Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Harder You Try Not To, The More Likely You Are To Rebel

See them?  That's who we are trying to be... but today we weren't.  Today was one of those days where the need to indulge was just too strong and neither one of us could really control it.  We didn't go on too crazy of a shopping spree and some things were even necessities, but sometimes you just gotta shop!

Jon and I did good last night and instead of eating out (as per norm on Fridays and Saturdays) we headed to the grocery store, got some amazing burger ingredients and headed over to our dear friends house to have some dinner and catch up!  But somewhere in dreamland last night our good deed to ourselves went unnoticed and the urge to splurge hit us square in the face.

First we hit up the library where I had some CD's for school and two of Chelsea Handler's books waiting for me.  Then we headed to the mall where Jon got some brand new running shoes from New Balance and while they weren't cheap, they were on sale and getting healthy is of a greater importance than saving money for a house anyway.  Who's gonna live in the place if you're dead!?  Anyway, then we had some lunch at Panera before heading over to Target.  I got some awesome dress up clothes for my class and then I scored some super comfy, but still feminine pajamas (I am known to wear exclusively sweats: pants and shirts in the fall, winter and spring) and Jon got a couple shirts!

After that we were Ross bound because Jon's work was holding a sock drive for adults in need and we figured we could get more for our money there.  Sadly socks didn't happen, but Jon snagged a few things for work.  Poor guy (my words not his) has to wear button up shirts and ties everyday!  Anyway we then decided to hit up Costco for socks and we got most of our weekly shopping done while there as well.  Buying in bulk really does save in the long run and I have a very nicely stocked freezer with all sorts of yummy things, including some awesome pork tender loin that was just $1.99 a pound!

Anyway like I said, not a major budget breaker but still we did go out of the norm and do some weekend shopping!  We are still learning and trying not to restrict ourselves too much at one time. For now the focus is creating a balance between saving and spending.

This just might be who we really are...for now!

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